Charlois and the Stars

Charlois and the Stars is a research and art project in development since 2020. Designer and artist Rogier Arents and media scientist Roel Lutkenhaus are researching the representation of Charlois on social media. The research is visualized in a galaxy; the 'digital starry sky of Charlois'.

The constellations can be seen on the walls and ceiling of WOLk from January 20. They are only visible when darkness sets in and with the help of special lamps, which gives a surprising extra dimension to the space. During the opening on January 20 at 17 p.m., Arents and Lutkenhaus will also give an insight into the rest of the research.

Wolphaertstraat 17-19 | 3082 BJ | Charles, Rotterdam

'Charlois en de Sterren' can be seen until mid-July 2023 during the continuous program offering and the programming that ties in with the art installation. The opening and participation in the program are free.

SATURDAY 04/02/23 – 13 pm - 17 pm
Kosmos day with Olya Ananda Shakti, Rogier Arents, Roel Lutkenhaus and Jasper Saris
An afternoon filled with meditation, science, philosophy, a system setup, vedic astrology
and; a reclining sound experience. Be inspired and immerse yourself in another world.

My Universe with Eva Bergerová, Carla van der Aa, Marjolein Hageman and Diana de Rooij.
An exciting performance in the making. Knowing more? Keep an eye on our socials!

SUNDAY 04/06/23 – 12 noon to 14 pm
The stars of heaven! with, among others, Berenice Staiger
A workshop in which you learn to discover your cosmic powers in a creative way. This
workshop is led by Bérénice Staiger, founder of Yoga Playground, enthusiastic yogi and
mother. For youth from 8 to 12 years old.

Starstruck festival with local DJs and WOLk makers
A tiny mini indoor art and dance festival to conclude the art installation 'Charlois en de
Stars'. With movement, music, food and more! Everyone is welcome! Keep an eye on our socials.

This program is subject to possible changes. Please book via

Charlois and the stars is partly realized thanks to a contribution from the scheme artistic activities in the city. With this contribution, CBK Rotterdam wants to use visual art to make the city more attractive and to give Rotterdam visual artists a role in this, thereby increasing their visibility.