Anna Bierler

Seed, Egg, Stone

Budget CBK Rotterdam
€ 7.500,00

Year of award

Request type
I&V subsidy

Anna Bierler's 'Seed, Egg, Stone' stems from her desire to save, conserve and archive seeds for a possible post-apocalyptic future. The artist sees this practice, which she believes also applies to the saving of stones and the freezing of eggs, as a metaphor for the colonial logic of capitalism. For this project, she seeks collaboration with the world seed bank on the Norwegian island of Spitsbergen, where plant seeds of as many varieties as possible are stored. Bierler plans to develop an interactive script, a performance installation and a publication based on stories around this theme, in close collaboration with others. In doing so, she will also deepen her skills as a performer and learn to convey her stories in a holistic and multi-layered way. In this way, she wants to express her values ​​as an artist and as a human being: the refusal of competition and constant growth.