Artist Legacy #2

Artist legacy: we can't stop talking about it. And that is why Studio Art Office is organizing a follow-up to the first event, this time in the Kunsthal. We offer a platform on which knowledge and experiences are shared, provide insight into the (practical) aspects of inheritance and provide tools to help you move forward. With the aim of making thinking about inheritance a natural part of professional practice. The working language is Dutch.

The reason for this meeting is the exhibition Body or Work, about the oeuvre of Madeleine Berkhemer (1973-2019), on display at the Kunsthal until 7 May. Anne-Marie van Rietschoten, secretary at the Madeleine Berkhemer Foundation, talks about the founding process of the foundation: how did the foundation come about and what choices were made? And did Madeleine Berkhemer have wishes regarding her legacy? Miriam Windhausen, art historian and expert on artists' legacies, has a knowledge document artist legacy prepared, which she will tell about. Erna Kortlang, civil-law notary and partner at TK lawyers and civil-law notaries, discusses a number of legal aspects surrounding the artist's legacy. What is the same for everyone and what is personal? What do you arrange and what happens if you do not arrange anything? Writer Lena VanTijen close the afternoon with her column The art of leaving behind. In 2022, Van Tijen received the Prize for Young Art Criticism for her essay Can it go?, in which she writes about the dilemma of whether and how you want to deal with an artist's legacy as a surviving relative. The afternoon will be concluded with the opportunity to ask questions to the speakers. Afterwards there is an opportunity to chat over a drink in the Kunsthal cafĂ©.

Date, time & location
Wednesday, April 26, 2023
15.00:18.00 pm - XNUMX:XNUMX pm
Auditorium Kunsthal Rotterdam

Admission is free, registration required via Please state your first and last name in the email and as subject: April 26, 2023. You will receive a confirmation email on Monday, April 24.

Visit body of work with 50% discount
Prior to the event it is possible to view the exhibition Body or Work by Madeleine Berkhemer for half the price. Mention this in your registration email if you are interested in this, then you can buy an entrance ticket with a 26% discount at the Kunsthal desk on 50 April. Museumkaart and Rotterdampas holders have free access to the exhibition.

About Studio Art Office
Studio Art Office organizes gatherings and encounters on a variety of subjects that touch on individual visual professional practice. These events not only offer artists inspiration and substantive depth, but also directly applicable practical tools with which they can professionalise, develop and make their professional practice visible.

Photo: Rosa Quist