Impulse and Deepening Regulations for Rotterdam artists (I&V)
1. CBK Rotterdam
CBK Rotterdam is the address for Rotterdam visual arts. With exhibitions, local and international art in public spaces, projects, commissions, contributions and investment schemes, CBK Rotterdam connects visual art and the city, artist and public.
2. I&V Grant
The I&V Grant for visual artists in Rotterdam is the newly styled Research and Development Grant (O&O), which was introduced by the local government in 2010. The grant supports a boost for and deepening of the artistic practice of Rotterdam artists through financial compensation for the time spent working.This is a grant for individual artists registered at CBK Rotterdam. The grant is financed from the Visual Arts and Design Fund. The I&V Grant is intended for Rotterdam visual artists and supports an in-depth activity or an innovative impulse within the artistic practice of Rotterdam artists in the form of compensation for time that can be used to work in a defined period in order to further develop themselves, and their visibility to increase. The subsidy is an honorarium and the amount of this honorarium depends on the duration of the project.
2.1 Scope / For whom
This grant is intended for individual visual artists who are registered as artists with CBK Rotterdam.
An appeal to this grant cannot be made by:
- art education students second phase;
- members of the advisory committee who assess the applications under this scheme;
- permanent employees at CBK Rotterdam and members of the Supervisory Board of CBK Rotterdam.
2.2 Subsidy
Awarding of the subsidies is strictly tied to the budget made available by the Rotterdam Municipal Council.
A maximum of €7.500 can be awarded per application.
The distribution of subsidies takes place in several rounds spread throughout the year, taking into account the subsidy ceiling.
Dates of these rounds will be announced via the website.
2.3 Conditions for subsidy application
Submitted subsidy applications are tested against the following conditions:
– The applicant must be registered as an artist at CBK Rotterdam.
– The data on the artist page on must be up to date with data no older than six months.
– New applications can only be processed after previous awards granted by the CBK Rotterdam under Art Office schemes have been processed.
– The application form must be fully completed and signed and submitted at the latest on the applicable closing date of a subsidy round.
– Before the applicant can submit an application again after receiving a negative decision, at least one subsequent I&V round must have passed.
– The proposal concerns a defined period during which a previously posed question is further investigated. The emphasis is on in-depth and visual activities and not on the regular production of art.
3. I&V Committee
3.1 Advisory Committee
The committee's task is to advise the director of CBK Rotterdam on applications that are eligible for a subsidy after assessing the conditions referred to in Article 2.3. The committee consists of a minimum of three and a maximum of four members. They have a thorough knowledge of contemporary visual arts and/or specific expertise. Committee members are appointed for a maximum of two years, with a possible extension of one year. Every year at least one member resigns and a new member joins. The diversity of the composition of the committee is a guideline for the search for a suitable candidate. New candidates are invited via an open call.
3.2 Procedure Commission
The committee members receive all applications digitally. Prior to each meeting, the committee members read the applications. They each make a prioritization based on the criteria mentioned below and the available budget per round. During the meeting every application is discussed separately and each committee member gives his/her opinion. The meeting is led by the chairman of the committee and attended by the coordinator of the scheme who also takes minutes of the meeting (both have no voting rights). During the meeting, each application is discussed separately and each committee member gives their opinion on the application. In addition to meeting the conditions set, the committee's assessment of the artistic quality of the research, together with the expected artistic impetus for the development of professional practice, is decisive for the final advice. The committee issues its reasoned advice in writing to director CBK Rotterdam. The opinion shall state any minority views of one or more members, if members so request. The content of the applications, the advice and the results are treated confidentially by both the committee members and CBK Rotterdam employees.
3.3 Criteria
The following criteria give weight to the assessment of a proposal:
– The project has significance for the artistic development of the artist and is aimed at exploring other avenues and exploring possibilities for deepening the autonomous professional practice.
– The artistic quality of the artist's proposal and oeuvre.
– The amount requested is proportional to the time invested by the artist.
4. Application procedure
If the conditions in 2.3 are met, the application can be submitted digitally. The applications must be drawn up in Dutch (if not otherwise possible, in English). If the application is submitted in English, the applicant must take into account the fact that texts, meanings and nuances can change due to (automatic) translations.
The predetermined submission dates are announced every year on the CBK Rotterdam website ( Requests must be submitted via this website. The applicant cannot assume that the committee will take note of all information on the websites mentioned in the application. Based on the committee's advice, director CBK Rotterdam decides whether or not to grant a subsidy and the amount of the financial contribution. To prevent the budget from being exhausted prematurely, the subsidy is spread over two submission rounds in a calendar year.
CBK Rotterdam communicates the decision about the subsidies to those involved by e-mail. This takes place within eight weeks after the closing date of a subsidy round. CBK Rotterdam can extend this period by a maximum of twelve weeks. If CBK Rotterdam decides to extend the period, the applicant will be informed of this within eight weeks after the closing date of the relevant subsidy round.
5. Granted Application
5.1 Change in project
During the preparation or implementation of the subsidized project, unforeseen substantive, organizational and/or financial changes may occur that affect the character and/or the planned implementation period of the project. Fundamental changes must be reported in writing to director CBK Rotterdam. If the applicant remains in default or if the changes give reason to do so, director CBK may decide to withdraw the subsidy or change it to the detriment of the subsidy recipient. No rights can be derived from a subsidy in the event of a subsequent application.
5.2 Invoicing
The subsidy is paid out in two parts (70%-30%) and only takes place after the artist has submitted a specified invoice to CBK Rotterdam. The invoice must be drawn up in PDF format and must be sent to stating the award number and year. No VAT applies to the subsidy.
5.3 Final Accounting and Final Settlement
At the end of the project, CBK Rotterdam must be able to determine whether the subsidy recipient can actually claim the contribution awarded when the subsidy was granted. The final amount of the subsidy amount is determined on the basis of a final settlement and a final justification (in text and images) that is appropriate to the form in which the project was implemented. This final accountability must be submitted to CBK Rotterdam no later than six weeks after the date of completion stated in the award. The remainder (30%) can be invoiced after the delivery and final report have been approved by CBK Rotterdam. If this final accountability is not met, the advance payment (70%) can also be reclaimed.
5.4 Communication
This scheme is referred to as: I&V Grant. In any presentation and communication of the process and/or (end) result of the project, CBK Rotterdam's participation must be clearly stated in accordance with the guidelines specified by CBK Rotterdam.Honored, now what? – Art Office).
CBK Rotterdam may publish data related to the project and the accompanying visual material without copyright on the CBK Rotterdam websites and in other publicity expressions of CBK Rotterdam.
5.6 Hardship clause and mandate
Mandate from: Decree on mandate, power of attorney and authorization Rotterdam 2016 article 11.15: Director of the Visual Arts Center: lecture mandates. The CBK director has been given a mandate by the Mayor and Aldermen to implement the Development and Research Subsidies Regulations for Rotterdam artists (from March 1, 2024, it will continue under the name Impulse en Verdieping Regulations). The General Administrative Law Act (AWB) and the Rotterdam Subsidy Regulation (SVR 2014) apply to the scheme. If, due to special circumstances, strict application of the provisions of these regulations would lead to unfairness of a serious nature, the Board may deviate from the provisions of these regulations.
6. Negative decision
Before the applicant can submit an application again after receiving a negative decision, at least one subsequent I&V round must have passed.
6.1 Objection
The General Administrative Law Act offers the subsidy applicant the opportunity to submit a reasoned objection within six weeks of the date of the decision.
Note: the objection committee investigates logos whether procedural errors were made during the processing of the application and does not judge the substantive advice of the I&V committee. The applicant can contact the Art Office for a substantive explanation of a rejection. The notice of objection must be addressed to the Mayor and Aldermen. This notice of objection must be signed and contain at least the grounds for the objection, the name and address of the submitter, the date and a description of the decision against which the objection is directed. It is advisable to also send a copy of this decision.
The notice of objection must be sent to:
College of Mayor and Aldermen
Attn the General Objections Committee.
P.O. Box 1011
3000 BA Rotterdam
If an objection has been submitted to the council, a request for provisional relief (including suspension) can be submitted to:
Court of Rotterdam
Administrative Law sector
P.O. Box 50951
3007 BM Rotterdam
A court fee is payable for such a request.
No rights can be derived from this subsidy scheme.
For further information please contact:
CBK Rotterdam Art Office
Eendrachtstraat 10
3012 XL Rotterdam