Fonds Kwadraat supports and invests in talented artists by means of an interest-free loan, in the form of a revolving funds. The money is lent, returned in monthly installments within three years and then lent to another artist. In this way Fonds Kwadraat supports many artists with a modest capital. Over the years, loans have been provided to many renowned artists, photographers and designers, such as Ed van der Elsken, Claudy Jongstra, Fiona Tan and Marnix Goossens.


With CBK Rotterdam Fonds Kwadraat we want to offer visual artists and artist initiatives the opportunity to develop, perform and present new work or projects. CBK Rotterdam has contributed capital for this purpose, which has been supplemented with an amount from Fonds Kwadraat.

For who

Rotterdam artists registered with CBK Rotterdam and Rotterdam artist initiatives. Visual artists who have received a subsidy from CBK Rotterdam in the past three years can take out an interest-free loan from Fonds Kwadraat without assessment. You can then submit an application at any time.

Studio Art Office (2023)
© Yasemin Demirozcan

For what

The loans are intended for the development, creation and presentation of new work or a new projects, think for example challenges an exhibition or presentation at home or abroad, a residency, a photo book or artist's book, a prototype, a website or for the purchase of equipment.

Maximum contribution

€8.000. A guarantee is required for a loan of more than €5.000. Graduating students from art and design academies can apply for a loan of up to €800. A loan is repaid in a maximum of three years.


Apply for the loan digitally via the website of the Kwadraat Fund. Indicate with your application that you want to use CBK Fonds Kwadraat. A committee assesses the applications on professionalism (curriculum vitae), the quality of your work and the quality of the project for which the loan is requested (artistic quality, feasibility, financial justification). After approval of your application, you sign an agreement for the monthly repayment by direct debit.

Studio Art Office (2023)
© Yasemin Demirozcan


Visual artists who have received a Development and Research (O&D) or Impulse and Deepening (I&V) subsidy from CBK Rotterdam in the past three years can also submit an application to Fonds Kwadraat outside the deadline. Artists who receive an interest-free loan not only receive a financial boost; they also become part of the Fonds Kwadraatcommunity. Fonds Kwadraat tries to promote the work of artists who receive a loan as much as possible within their network. This happens through the social media channels, but also during studio visits and dinners that they organize for their donors. Events are also regularly organized for artists and designers who are not yet familiar with Fonds Kwadraat. The emphasis here is on information.

2025 deadlines

January 19
March 16
May 18
September 14
November 16

More info

If you are unsure whether your project is eligible, please contact Gili Crouwel of Fonds Kwadraat, 020 6255112,

You must log in to make a request.