
write, process, performance, Body, LGBTIQ+, Gender, Sound,Experimental, D.I.Y, Community, Artistic research

Mitsitron (they/them) is a cultural worker from Greece, based on Rotterdam. They work with sound, performance, coding and writing on broadening, diversifying and queering sonic cultural productions. They have been shaped by soundscapes and public spaces, austerity and forced categorizations, heartbreaks and conscious relating. They are members of the Platform for Extratonality that organizes workshops and events around dissident sound making and founding member of the inter-dependent publishing project Blob Shop Collective , as well as the bottom up sound school Klank School that is currently being imagined and developed by artists , musicians, sound lovers and Rotterdam locals. They make exploratory music and sound performances as mitsitron and with the performance collectives Post-talk and (S)low Frequencies.

Thanks for listening
Thanks for listening (2023-ongoing) - Thanks for Listening is a live coding performance, a process created by a body, cables, a midi device, a microphone, a sound card, Sonic Pi, speakers, memories, desires, discomforts and vulnerability. The urgency that nourished this project were questions such as: How do we embody gender by the ways we use our voices? How a gender binary categorizes bodies depending on their vocal frequency behavior? How sound production and instruments when located in cis-heteronormative spaces potentially amplify biases? And how can they become a healing part of someone? In this performance, I position my body as an extension of sound and sound technology. I create voice through my respiratory, phonatory and resonatory system, which gets modulated by sound and technology. A midi controller which receives data from Sonic Pi is pitching, stretching and looping the voice that is plugged with through knobs, faders and buttons.
Platform for extratonality (With Niek Hilklmann, Joseph Kirsinger, Kaue Werner, Mathias Hurtl)
Platform for extratonality (2023-ongoing) - The Platform for Extratonality focuses on sonic (and neighboring) activities that reject distinctions between high and low, exceptional and boring, serious and pop. It stretches the classical paradigms of music (balance, contrast, focus, movement, pattern, proportion, rhythm and unity) and expands them with conceptual, technical and performative principles from other disciplines. Our program manifests itself in the form of conferences, performance evenings, radio shows and workshops. For each, we invite artists, musicians, poets and technicians from in and outside of Rotterdam to demonstrate various phenomena and engage with our space and facilities. Our workshops and performance evenings have been hosted at Varia and our radio shows at Radio Worm, both in Rotterdam. In collaboration with Niek Hilklmann, Joseph Kniersinger, Kauê Werner, Mathias Hurtl More on
An embodied journey on gender essentialism through a voice and a guitar
An embodied journey on gender essentialism through a voice and a guitar (2023) - Gender is usually perceived through a visual lens: through a body's anatomy and surface; through how someone looks or moves inside a space. As it is an underresearched area, I would like to locate gender inscriptions through sound: I wonder in which ways we can hear and deconstruct gender essentialism, if we approach it through a voice produced by somebody's phonatory system, or through a system of sounds emerging from a body's relation to a technological artefact - like a guitar -. Alongside this, I wonder in which ways a guitar located inside a patriarchal, anthropocentric and ableist culture orients a body towards cis-heteronormativity and in which ways can a guitar support a fluid gender expression? What are the consequences of technically classifying one's voice to a gender binary depending on their vocal pitch? In which ways can a voice deconstruct these technical classifications, while connecting to the here and now of its embodied situation? What can be the processes that help to care and amplify queer voices?
(s)low frequencies
(s)low frequencies (2024-ongoing) - (s)low frequencies is a desire of (delaying) time and (situating) space to explore (in conversation) low frequencies and their impact on bodies and spirits. Through experimentation with a synthesizer, guitar, microphone and comfortable spaces, we are interested in shaping sonic land(scape)s. We approach sound making through soft connecting and slowing down as resistance. In collaboration with Carmen Jose and Ester Venema.
Sound school
Sound School (2024-ongoing) - Klankschool is an emerging community operating a space in the south of Rotterdam. Each member is a teacher, student, musician, janitor and more. The purpose of the space is to share sounds, work on projects, hang out, exhibit works, learn, teach, listen. More on
Extratonal Education #4: Live coding jam session with Mitsitron & Magda Arques (2024)
Extratonal Education #4: Live coding jam session with Mitsitron & Magda Arques (2024) - Live coding jam session is a performative evening to experiment with live coding together, using sound and visuals. Tools we will use include Hydra, Sonic Pi, Tidal Cycles. More are very welcome. Facilitated by Mitsitron and Magda Arques. Come with your laptops and live coding tools. There will be drinks and snacks.
Post-talk (2022-ongoing)
Post-talk (2022-ongoing) - Post Talk is the project of Al Nik, Francessco Luzzana, Supisara Burapaishri, Mitsitron and other friends who jump in. We have been questioning performance as a concept, often times associated with perfection, pressure and preparedness. What if we focus on the process instead? Is there a way to embrace amateurism, slowness, latency and even failure? To put our attention on the small scale instruments and sounds, to play with the basics? To try to create space for us and others instead of competing for claiming one? To create embodied knowledges, where by re-learning collectively the ways of creating sound we can reposition ourselves inside a system of dynamics? Our sound jams explore these questions.
Blobshop Collective
Blobshop Collective (2023-ongoing) - The Blob Shop Collective gathers multi-disciplinary artists and designers based in Amsterdam and Rotterdam (NL) and operates internationally. Our activities find their roots in inter-dependent publishing practices and foster connections across diverse subjectivities, backgrounds, and disciplines. Blob Shop Collective combines the notion of a shop — that acknowledges and reacts to economic necessities within the independent publishing field — with the self-organized structure of a collective that caters togetherness. It is a meeting point where transactions and exchanges of knowledges, skills and resources are circulating. Our desire to investigate publishing through experiments with new and traditional media, collective methodologies and DIY tools manifestos in online and offline publications, as well as intimate gatherings, workshops and public moments. As a publishing project in the making, we seek agency to build sustainable and self-sufficient practices. Motivated by an open source mentality, we want to explore alternative ways of living and working together and with others. With Ål Nik, Chae-Young Kim, Emma Prato, Erica Gargaglione, Francesco Luzzana, Gersande Schellinx, Jian Haake, Kimberley Cosmilla, Miriam Schöb, Mitsi Chaida Supisara Burapachaisri More on
SI#18 Radio Implicancies: Methods To Practice Interdependencies (2022)
SI#18 Radio Implicancies: Methods To Practice Interdependencies (2022) - The Special Issue #18, “Radio Implicancies”, is a series of eight weekly released sound publications created by the XPUB masters' students. We have been shapeshifting each Tuesday of the week into our own audience and constantly shuffled positions in the overall work infrastructure. This modular approach enabled an interdependent publishing structure in which we all took turn in order to share responsibilities in a sustainable manner. Every other Tuesday of each week, somehow estranged from everyone's work progress, all the members, except the care-takers (those responsible of the outcome of that week's publication), would walk into a dedicated room unaware of the experience they would step into. The publications shifted from edited projects to live performances, presenting tools, interface or instruments for the public to thread all the pieces together themselves. more info here ---->
...and I wish that your question has been answered (2021)
...and I wish that your question has been answered (2021) - ...and I wish that your question has been answered is a User Interface for replacing words with words. It is an open process for remaking the speeches of Mark Rutte and Kyriakos Mitsotakis (November 2021) on the refugees' pushbacks taking place at the European borders. We wonder how the use of language can justify state violence, naturalize anti-refugee policies, plant and grow nationalism and necropolitics. The interface includes three functions. The function “respell” receives text and substitutes all the occurrences of a target-word with a replacement chosen by the user. The function “stitch” replaces all the occurrences of a target-word with a single character that is repeated as many times as the length of the target. The third function “reveal” deletes all the words of Mark Rutte and Kyriakos Mitsotakis except the target-word(s) given by the user. Every new answer, every new iteration, can be submitted to our Archive of Repetitive Answers. By targeting specific words and replacing them for other words, characters or blank spaces the user can keep changing the text. ...and I wish that your question has been answered was co-created with Erica Gargaglione, Carmen Gray, Miriam Schöb as part of the online publication Special Issue #16 Learning how to walk while catwalking. Try the interface here --->
Five experiential reconstructions of Peiraiki-Patraiki's factory occupation (2019)
Five experiential reconstructions of Peiraiki-Patraiki's factory occupation (2019) - This publication is dedicated to the occupation of Peiraiki-Patraiki´s factory in 1990 at Patras, Greece. The occupation opposed the dismissals of nine hundred workers and the upcoming factory's closing. The factory closed on 1992 as part of a general de-industrialization that took place in Greece between the late 80's and the early 90's. For this publication we created an archive of oral narratives. We interviewed five employees that actively participated in the factory's occupation. We cared to understand how five different people reconstructed the moments of the collective occupation 28 years after. How their commemoration was influenced by their current feelings, but also the different roles that they embodied during the occupation. For this, we created five empirical maps distributing oral narratives to factory spaces.

Residency @ PAF

Location: Performing Arts Forum

Mitsitron artist talk through THE VOID (T,V) @ REMIX FEST

Location: Beel & Geluid, Hilversum
In association with: THE VOID (T.V) , REMIX FEST

(S)low Frequencies @ Extratonal Infrastructure #15

Location: Varia
In association with: Carmen José, Ester Venema, Extratonal Infrastructure

(S)LOW FREQUENCIES is a desire of (delaying) time and (situating) space to explore (in conversation) low frequencies and their impact on bodies and spirits. Through experimentation with a synthesizer, guitar, microphone and comfortable spaces the group is interested in shaping sonic land(scape)s. They approach sound making through soft connecting and slowing down as resistance.

Mitsitron performance

Location: Catu
In association with: Klankschool

Thanks for Listening

Location: Varia, Slash Gallery, Time is the new space @ Rotterdam, NL, KafeKurbet @ Kassel, GE. AMRO Festival Linz

In this performance, I position my body as an extension of sound and sound technology. I create voice which gets modulated in controllable and uncontrollable ways. A midi controller which receives data from sonic pi is pitching, stretching and looping the voice that is plugged with, through knobs, faders and buttons. A partial narration, a passive whisper or a shout on having an ανώμαλη, anomalous voice is commented in the beginning of the code and vocalized throughout the performance.
This artist has no awards yet.