Klaar van der Lippe

socio-social, Decolonization, Community, Artistic research

We Klaar van der Lippe and Bart Stuart, aka bart&klaar, have been working together since 2005 as visual artists at the intersection of imagination, management and planning.
Partly from our background, architecture and monumental sculpture, partly from the realization that change is necessary. We feel that we can no longer afford the luxury of the 'white cube'.
Our approach is activist: Make possible. Make evident what lies dormant. Do not be afraid.
To make dreams come true you have to transform the status quo. The prerequisite for this is not only a large and compelling idea, it is projecting a imaginable path to that changed reality. To persuade people to dare to see differently. We see that as our challenge. Long-term involvement is a precondition for this.

Paso a paso, Lima Peru - Introduction of public space in the asientimiento humano El Madrigal in Lima, Peru. The government is not present in these self-built neighborhoods on squatted government land. By making stepping stones with the story of the background of the residents, history and a public space are installed.
Invasion Civica, Barranco, Lima - Reclaiming privatized public space through music and dance. The intervention of the police will later be discussed in the local municipal council. Privatization is reversed.
workshop Collaborative structures, Dam, Amsterdam - Capture of the Dam by a jointly knotted net of elastic bands. The net is a tool to experience an abstract given as a 'collective body'. The net is a 1973 proposal by Brazilian artist Lygia Clark. Used by me in various situations since 1998.
All You Can Art, collaboration with IBB and Kunsthal en Tent. - Participation in the summer carnival in Rotterdam with a group of participants in the IBB summer school. Each student carries their own drawing.
KOLO, part of a procession through Willemstad, Curacao, in collaboration with IBB - During our residency at Instituto Buena Bista (IBB), we design and organize a procession through the center of Willemstad together with students. The theme is 'the biggest problem'. Students shape what is going on in their lives. The procession makes use of the carnival parade tradition, while breaking with the culture of silence on the island. The parade is reported in all media and is well received.
anatomy of power, Boxtel, in collaboration with artist collective YAFF - What does 'participation' and 'participation' mean in administrative processes. Forms of participation are tested in a visual presentation. When do you really share power or responsibility? When is there only apparent involvement? We use Arnstein's participation ladder and try to give context to the citizen's gut feeling of being deceived. The audience hears a loud AHA several times! It turns out that almost everyone present has similar experiences.

This artist has no awards yet.