Janis Dzirnieks

sculpture, process,Objects, installation, Globalization, Digital technology, collage

My art practice involves material and processual research, which results in sculptures, installations and wall based objects. They often involve found images and ready-mades, that already carry meanings and associations from their use in the real world. Through manipulation and deformation of them, I create visual metaphors which activate my view on present-day society. We are immersed between synthetic and organic environments, heavily technologized processes, planned obsolescence and exploitation of vulnerabilities of the human psyche. I manipulate images in collaboration with pre-existing algorithms, which can be updated at any time. I use synthetic polymers allowing them to interfere with gravity, and I use light in the objects to attract attention. Collaboration with algorithms results in pixel porridge, among which some figurative elements stay grotesquely recognizable. Found lamps experience their second life with added elements and in resin encapsulated light bulbs. I'm interested in controlled flows and frozen gesture.

Fracture Stimulation, 2023 - extruded polystyrene variable
Untild (Attractors), 2023 - found lamps, epoxy resin, polyester resin h=192 cm
Snowflake Blockbuster, 2022
Mix, 2021 - UV inkjet print directly on polystyrene, UV balanced epoxy resin 74,5 x 104,5 x 4 cm
Untitled (Attractor), 2020 - lightning rods, found lamp, lid, light bulb splitters, polyester resin, H = 202 cm
Untitled, 2021 - Extruded polystyrene 60x120x40cm (when assembled)
Untitled, 2021 - Extruded polystyrene, UV inkjet print 32 x 25 x 4 cm (when assembled)
Spring Flowers and Falling Stars, 2019 - Acrylic glass, inkjet print on paper, 92,5 × 155,5 × 13 cm
Installation view - Tiled River, 2020 - From the left: Attention! Check This Before Investing In Bitcoin, 2020, UV Inkjet print on extruded polystyrene, acrylic paint, hot glue, 99,5 x 160 x 6 cm, AliExpress, 2020, Inkjet print on paper, UV resistant epoxy resin, extruded polystyrene, 30 x 232 x 3,6 cm, They Were Called The Most Beautiful Twins In The World, Wait Until You See Ne Zu, 2020, UV Inkjet print on extruded polystyrene, UV resistant epoxy resin, 40 x 234,5 x 6 cm
Try This Nearly Invisible Hearing Aid Now, 2019 - UV resistant epoxy resin, UV print, extruded polystyrene 59,4 x 42 x 5,2 cm

BETWEENNESS: Technoculture and the Baltics

Location: Kim? Contemporary Art Centre
In association with: Participiants: Becca Abbe (US), Uģis Albiņš (LV), Valdis Celms (LV), Jānis Dzirnieks (LV/NL), Flo Kasearu (EE), Oliver Laric (AT/DE), Deimantas Narkevičius (LT), Norman Orro & Joonas Timmi (EE), Adriana Ramić (US/PL), Tarwuk (US/HR), Evita Vasiļjeva (LV/FR).

Betweenness: Technoculture and the Baltics explores production and technique through a gathering of Baltic and international artists. Over the past thirty years, the Baltics have experienced dramatic geopolitical upheavals and shifts in power; once bound to the Soviet Union in quasi-political isolation, the region is now more opaque and free-floating, with a cultural atmosphere that always seems to be in search of solid ground.


Snowflake Blockbuster

Location: Extra City Kunsthal
In association with: Duo show together with Alise Anna Dzirniece

Wild Summer of Art

Location: Brutus

Lieu Ne Vas Plus

Location: Pension Lutz
In association with: Sophie Bates, Antonia Brown, Janis Dzirnieks, Jakob Forster, Peter Forster †, Michael Jicha, Sofia Defino Leiby, Anna Luczak, Jo Penca, Victor Santamarina, Daphne Simons

Agents of Perception

Location: Kai Art Center
In association with: amina Amadyar, Lewis Hammond, Mooni Perry, Laura Põld, and Anastasia Sosunova

Low Viscosity

Location: Vijverhofstraat 25b

It was a self-organized exhibition which was an outcome of several months experimentation with materials.


Location: Aktu space
In association with: Elza Sīle, Ivars Grāvlējs, Miķelis Mūrnieks

This group exhibiton was a part of much larger art festival in Madona, Latvia.


Tiled River

Location: Gallery 427

Tiled River is a series of paintings that can be described as witty paraphrases of the contemporary conditions of image culture and the state of the “hyperimage” that we live in.


Flat Tire

Location: Robert Fruinstraat 56

Flat Tire was a self-organized exhibition in the basement of the former Rotterdam City archives building. There were presented pieces from Promoted Stories and Attractors series, together with interventions in the space. Overall the show happened in three separate rooms.


Black Market

Location: kim? Contemporary Art Center
In association with: Uģis Albiņš, Aksels Bruks, Anna Ceipe, Krista & Reinis Dzudzilo, F5, Margrieta Griestiņa , Indriķis Ģelzis, Atis Jakobsons, Raids Kalniņš , Jānis Krauklis, Ieva Kraule-Kūna, Līga Marcinkeviča, Inga Meldere, Darja Melnikova, Dzelde Mierkalne, Liene Pavlovska , Ojārs Pētersons, Mārtiņš Ratniks, Līva Rutmane, Krišs Salmanis, Līga Spunde, Viktor Timofeev, Marta Trektere, VARA, Evita Vasiljeva, Elīna Vītola, Armands Zelčs, Amanda Ziemele

It was a group exhibition curated by Kaspars Groševs.


The Burrow

Location: The Balcony

It was a presentation of my works in the display case.


Sharp Horizon

Location: Nemo

Waiting For The Next Minute

Location: kim? Contemporary Art Center

I had an opportunity to exhibit my works at kim? Contemporary Art Center after winning their announced open call.

This artist has no awards yet.