Inspired by culture and identity research, memory and loss, Barbara Munsel develops conceptual garments and experimental textiles from a strong narrative. Her work is about fragility and stratification, in which a current context, history or background can always be detected, whether consciously or not. She emphasizes the connection between people's perception and their relationship to their material context.
She often works with natural, old or antique materials and with residual materials.

Een Kunstcentrum
group exhibition
South Explorer
Art route Rotterdam-south
‘Wie teveel omhelst houdt weinig vast’
From October 16 to November 14, an exhibition by artist and fashion designer Barbara Munsel can be seen in the Rotterdam Gemaal op Zuid. The exhibition is about our society's urge to collect and overconsume. There will also be a number of unique jackets for sale.
On display are layered work constructed from textile remains and discarded materials: new designs that have been created through textile assemblages.
Also part of the South Explorer art route.