Your registration is complete, welcome to Art Office! On this page we will guide you through the website and tell you what Art Office can do for you.

The Garden of Banes (My Body is a Plant) (2023), Elisa Strinna

Introductory meeting

After your registration, you will receive an invitation by email for our introductory meeting (NL/EN). ). During the session you will learn more about what we offer, such as the Mentorship program en Studio Art Office. Are you already registered, but would still like to participate? Then send an email to

Artist Page

Start by creating your own artist page on our website. Here you can show a selection of your work (Portfolio), share upcoming exhibitions and/or any relevant events (Activities) and find an overview of any Art Office awards received (Awards)Awards will automatically appear on your artist page, but all other information must be filled in by yourself. Select the areas of work associated with your artistic practice and enter relevant links to social media and/or your website.

Brother (2017 – present), Florian Braakman

Also, be sure to upload your profile picture. This makes your page visible on the website and allows us to find you in the overview of all registered artistsThis overview is regularly used (internally and externally) when looking to match artists to assignments. Art Office has a broad network and can act as an intermediary between artists and other parties. We have done this in collaboration with citizenM, Provinciehuis Zuid-Holland and the Fleur Groenendijk Foundation, among others. The more complete your artist page is, the easier it is to find you.

We regularly update the website to keep it as current as possible. For you as an artist, this means that if you have not updated your artists page for over a year, it will be deactivated, and it no longer be visible on the website. Are you moving outside of Rotterdam? Let us know and we will make sure your profile is removed.


Art Office offers three schemes that registered artists can apply to: the Practical Contribution, Impulse & Deepening (I&V) en CBK Fonds KwadraatRead more about all schemes and additional terms and conditions here . When you apply for one of our schemes, your artist page will be used in the assessment of your artistic practice, and to see where you are in your career at the time of application. If you page is not up-to-date, your application will not be considered.

Farm (2023), Cindy Bakker © Bas Czerwinski

Tips & Calls

The Tips & Calls page works as a digital bulletin board, used by both Art Office and registered Rotterdam artists. Here you will find an overview of notices for practical matters relating to professional practice, for example, temporarily renting out a studio space, information about how to use certain materials, offering materials for sale, calls for collaboration, etc. You can post a tip or call for everyone to see, via your account.

Exhibitions and events

You can make these visible on your own page under Activities. They will not appear in Tips & Calls.

Newsletter & Social media

Stay up to date with our activities through our monthly newsletter (you'll receive it automatically after signing up) and follow us on Instagram, Facebook, Vimeo en LinkedIn for the latest news. Would you like to sign up for the newsletter of BKOR (Visual Arts & Public Space), Sculpture International or TENT? You can do so here.


Would you like more information or do have any other questions? We'd love to help. Contact us at of +31 10 43 60 288 (Monday to Thursday from 9:30 AM to 17:00)